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à partir de 55 € pour nuit
Opiniones recientes
The apartment was large and pristine, the balcony was a sun trap and the perfect place to relax and sunbathe. I was working while i was there and never had trouble with the internet. The shower was powerful and the sofa bed comfy. I would highly recommend this apartment.
The only issue was the complex, as it is currently under construction so there was banging and drilling going on throughout, although i couldn't hear too much from the apartment.
18/déc/2021 | Doyle
Beautiful apartment, complex is a work in progress
I sent 10 weeks living in this apartment and it was perfect. I was working while i was there and had zero internet problems.
The large balcony is a sun trap and has a great place to sit and sunbathe on.
The whole place was pristine and the shower was very powerful. There was a lot of space for a 1 bed, and the sofa bed was also comfy to sleep on. I would highly recommend this apartment.
The only issue was the complex itself, i went during off seasons so it was under construction; most days there was some sort of banging or drilling going on.
18/déc/2021 | Fiona
A good, spacious apartment with an open view towards the sea. The photos accurately represent the apartment. We spent over a month there and really enjoyed our stay. No noise from the neighbours or in the complex itself. The complex is short, pleasant walk to the beach and to shopping areas. We would certainly return again
Appartement ESCAPADA ATLANTICA. Vue mer.
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Opiniones recientes
The apartment was large and pristine, the balcony was a sun trap and the perfect place to relax and sunbathe. I was working while i was there and never had trouble with the internet. The shower was powerful and the sofa bed comfy. I would highly recommend this apartment. The only issue was the complex, as it is currently under construction so there was banging and drilling going on throughout, although i couldn't hear too much from the apartment.
Beautiful apartment, complex is a work in progress
I sent 10 weeks living in this apartment and it was perfect. I was working while i was there and had zero internet problems. The large balcony is a sun trap and has a great place to sit and sunbathe on. The whole place was pristine and the shower was very powerful. There was a lot of space for a 1 bed, and the sofa bed was also comfy to sleep on. I would highly recommend this apartment. The only issue was the complex itself, i went during off seasons so it was under construction; most days there was some sort of banging or drilling going on.
A good, spacious apartment with an open view towards the sea. The photos accurately represent the apartment. We spent over a month there and really enjoyed our stay. No noise from the neighbours or in the complex itself. The complex is short, pleasant walk to the beach and to shopping areas. We would certainly return again
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